Monthly Archives: October 2009

Out with the Old…

Originally written January 5, 2010 by danitalicious

One of the promises I’ve made to myself this year is to write more. (I don’t call them resolutions…promises are harder to break.) So, I figured there wouldn’t be a better way to begin my writing, than to reflect on the year that’s passed, while I look into the future.

Though this year was hard on the wallet following the complete economic meltdown, I am thankful for the things that I’ve done and the people that I’ve met.

My daughter has definitely been my biggest success to date. She continually amazes me with her wit and sense of humor. That little girl is funny! She’s at such a great stage where she’s a sponge and learning. I love sharing my nerdiness with her. It makes me feel good when she says something that I’ve taught her…even if it’s something as simple as learning the letter B, for Bella. As horrible as I think things may have gotten, she was always there with a smile and a hug for Mommy. I can’t believe she’s about to be TWO!  Holy crap! Like, for real…it’s flown by. I can’t wait to see what adventures she will take me on. (More than that, I’m still surprised at how much I love being her mom. It’s such an amazing feeling.)

Last year was also a year that I made a concerted effort to stay in touch with my girlfriends. I’ve reconnected with my oldest best friend in the world and it’s been so great to catch up. Dora has been in my life for more than 14 years and I’m so glad we had some great moments. It’s been too long.

I also made a great friend. Amanda has been beyond amazing as a friend this year. We always wonder why we didn’t hang out sooner. It’s been such a great time “making memories!”

I also got to see some of my NYC besties in Vegas! Woo hooooo! I still can’t believe that my little Kayla is now a bride with a little boy on the way. I also can’t believe that Karen is expanding her family with a baby due any day. These are the girls that I became a woman with and I’m so glad I got to see you guys. Vegas was beyond awesome and the wedding was perfect. You girls mean the world to me, I miss you so much!!!

And I can’t forget my girls who have been there when I needed a friend, or a drink, or a buck…Nadine, Susan, Raquel, Tracy, and anyone else who took the time…thank you all for being my friend. I’m so blessed!

Work was okay last year…we got hit pretty hard and I felt it. Kinda sucked, but I know that I can provide for Bella. Accomplishment…even if we weren’t rich. I would really like to pursue the business thing. There are ideas…now I need to act. I think I’m waiting for motivation when it’s not there. I have to make it happen. How wonderful would it be to truly provide for my daughter…while working for me? It’s in the future, I just gotta make it happen.

As for the love life…sigh. I didn’t meet the man of my dreams or fall in love, hell I didn’t even have much sex (pathetic, I know), but it was all good. The loneliness has only started to set in. There is a person of interest, but I don’t even know if I’d classify it as anything. I’m willing to find out this year, though. I’m ready to jump in…I miss having a man near me. Not necessarily in the sexual way, but just in general. To have that banter, to feel the butterflies, to laugh at the same things. A companion. I think I’m ready.

First, I have to get back to Smokin’ Hot Danita status! I am more focused than ever to get back into shape. I’m not looking to lose 50 pounds because I know I can still look good if I would just take the time to take care of me. I’d be happy with 20 pounds, but if it all falls off, then so be it! This year I promise to walk more, take more trips to the playground, park farther away and eat fewer burgers, pizzas and chips. (Notice I didn’t mention mom’s tacos.) I’ll throw in workouts, too. I have a few trips I want to take and I have to go looking fabulous. Again, not looking for any excessive weight loss, here. I just want to feel good about myself again.

I know that by next year, things will be different. I’m in control and it’s time to take it and run with it. Wish me luck and I hope you join me on my journey.